

University Institute of Applied Management Sciences

Noticeboard: General Notices / Department Circular / Notifications

1. 28/03/2025Date-Sheet for-Ph.D. Coursework 1st Semester Mid Semester Examinations-2025
2. 17/03/2025Mid Term Examination March 2025 Date Sheet for MBA 2nd & 4th semester
3. 10/03/2025Ph. D. Viva-Voce Examination Notice of Ms. Bhawna Research Scholar
4. 10/03/2025final notice for the post of Sr. Technician Grade-II in UIAMS 2025
5. 25/02/2025Ph. D. Viva-Voce Examination Notice of Ms. Parul Research Scholar
6. 13/02/2025Ph. D. Viva-Voce Examination Notice of Mr. Sanjeev Sharma Research Scholar
7. 13/02/2025Comprehensive Viva-Voce Test of Ph.D. Students 2023-24 on 18.2.2025
8. 30/01/2025 Ph. D. Viva-Voce Examination Notice of Mr. Karandeep Bhayana Research Scholar
9. 30/01/2025Admission Notice MBA (Sectoral) Programme Session 2025-2026
10. 28/01/20252nd Counseling Schedule for Pre-Ph.D. Coursework Admission session 2024-2025.
11. 14/01/2025Advertisement for the post of Research Assistant
12. 10/01/2025Pre-Ph.D. Coursework Reappear Date Sheet 1st Semester January 2025.
13. 10/01/2025Counselling Schedule for Pre-Phd admission at UIAMS for the Session 2024-25
14. 24/12/2024Provisional List of Candidates for Interaction for appointment of Guest Faculty in UIAMS 2025
15. 24/12/2024Advertisement for the post of Research Assistant
16. 07/12/2024Advertisement for the two posts of Guest Faculty in UIAMS
17. 30/11/2024Revised Date-Sheet for 1st & 3rd Semester Regular & Reappear Ph.D. 2nd Sem leftout & Reappear cases November-December 2024.
18. 29/10/2024Ph.D Admission Notice:- for admission to Ph.D. Programme at UIAMS for the session 2024-25
19. 23/10/2024GIAN Programe on Applied Analytical and Storytelling for Data-Driven Decision Making
20. 23/10/2024Brochure of Skill Enhancement Course-Data Visualisation with Excel, Tableau and Power BI
21. 22/10/2024Applications invited for "Earn while One Learns" scheme at UIAMS
22. 19/09/2024Affidavit (Undertaking) (Annexure-I) Post Matric Scholarship 2024-2025
23. 19/09/2024Norms and Guidelines for PMS Scheme of PU 2024-2025
24. 19/09/2024Important Dates for Post Matric Scholarship 2024-2025
25. 19/09/2024viva-voce exam of Ms. Sunita Research Scholar UIAMS
26. 11/09/2024Sixth Counselling Schedule 13.9.2024 MBA Admission 2024
27. 11/09/2024Availability of Seats for Admission-2024 to MBA (Sectoral) Programme
28. 10/09/2024Date Sheet of Mid Semester Exam-II for Pre Ph.D. Coursework 2024
29. 10/09/2024Mid Semester Exam for MBA (Sectoral) Programme 1st & 3rd Sem September 2024
30. 23/08/2024Tentative Vacant seat status as on 23.8.2024
31. 22/08/20245th counselling schedule 2024
32. 09/08/2024Schedule Summer Training Project Report and Comprehensive Viva-Voce of 2nd Semester, August, 12-13,2024
33. 02/08/2024Tentative Vacant seat status as on 2.8.2024
34. 31/07/2024Fourth Counselling Schedule of MBA(Sectoral) for the session 2024-25
35. 31/07/2024Counslling Schedule of Sports Category for the session of 2024-25
36. 30/07/2024Ph. D. Viva-Voce Examination Notice of Ms. Sandeep Research Scholar
37. 30/07/2024Provisional Merit List of SPORTS CATEGORY Eligible/ Absent not Eligible candidates for admission to MBA (sectoral) programmes for the Session 2024-25
38. 24/07/2024Availability of seats as on 24-07-2024 for conselling Schedule on 25-07-2024 for the session 2024-25
39. 22/07/2024Sports Trials on 24.7.2024 at 11.00 a.m. for admission MBA (Sectoral) Programme under Sports Category, session 2024-25.
40. 22/07/2024Revised First Counselling Schedule for admission to MBA (Business Analytics) and Third Counselling schedule for admission to MBA (sectoral) programme, session 2024-25
41. 19/07/2024Urgent Notice regarding Commencement of New Course MBA (Business Analytics) from the session 2024-2025.
42. 15/07/2024Ph. D. Viva-Voce Examination Notice of Mr. Neeraj Bansal
43. 08/07/2024Advertisement for the post of Research Assistant/Architectural Interns
44. 04/07/2024Second Counseling vacant seats status as on 04.07.2024
45. 27/06/2024Second Counselling schedule along with status of seats for admission to MBA (sectoral) programme, session 2024-25
46. 19/06/2024Status of Seat as on 19.06.2024, 3.00 Pm in first counseling in General category
47. 19/06/2024Status of Sheet as on 18.06.2024, 4.00 Pm in first counseling in General category
48. 05/06/2024General Cat. Provisional Merit list and Counselling Schedule for admission to MBA (sectoral) programmes, session 2024-25
49. 05/06/2024Reserved & Additional Cat. Provisional Merit list and Counselling Schedule for admission to MBA (sectoral) programmes, session 2024-25
50. 21/05/2024Project Report/Comprehensive Viva-Voce, 2024
51. 21/05/2024Date-Sheet for Pre-Ph.D. Coursework End Semester-1 Examinations-2024
52. 07/05/2024Schedule of GD/PI for admission to MBA (sectoral) programmes, session 2024-25
53. 06/05/2024Notice regarding conduct of Group Discussion and Personal Interview for admission to MBA (sectoral) programmes, session 2024-26
54. 04/05/2024Interview Schedule for the post of Research Associate on 07.05.2024
55. 03/05/2024Notice for Submission of objections regarding MET-2024 question paper
56. 19/04/2024 Date-Sheet for MBA (sectoral) 2nd & 4th Semester Reappear Term-End Exam. May 2024
57. 19/04/2024Advertisement for the post of Research Associate
58. 18/04/2024Date Sheet for End Term 1st & 3rd Semester Examination for Medical Ground, Left Out Chance, Session December-2023
59. 22/03/2024Ph. D. Viva-Voce Examination Notice of Ms. Poonam Jaswal
60. 18/03/2024Revised MST Date-sheet of MBA (sectoral) 2nd & 4th Semester, March, 2024
61. 12/03/2024MST Date-sheet of MBA (sectoral) 2nd & 4th Semester, March, 2024
62. 03/03/2024Ph. D. Viva-Voce Examination Notice of Ms. Nidhi Sareen
64. 24/11/2023Revised Date Sheet for 1st & 3rd End Semester Examination, December 2023
65. 21/11/2023Date-Sheet for MBA (sectoral) 1st & 3rd Semester Term-End Exam., December 2023
66. 29/09/2023Eighth Counselling schedule along with status of seats for admission to MBA (sectoral) programme, session 2023-24
67. 25/09/2023MST Date-sheet of MBA (sectoral) 1st & 3rd Semester, October, 2023
68. 15/09/2023Seventh Counselling schedule along with status of seats for admission to MBA (sectoral) programme, session 2023-24
69. 25/08/2023Sixth Counselling schedule along with status of seats for admission to MBA (sectoral) programme, session 2023-24
70. 11/08/2023Fifth Counselling schedule along with status of seats for admission to MBA (sectoral) programme, session 2023-24
71. 11/08/2023Apply for Admission to MBA (Infrastructural Management) for the session 2023-24 with REVISED ELIGIBILITY criteria
73. 04/08/2023Fourth Counselling schedule along with status of seats for admission to MBA (sectoral) programme, session 2023-24
74. 28/07/2023Third Counselling schedule along with status of seats for admission to MBA (sectoral) programme, session 2023-24
75. 25/07/2023Counseling schedule for NRI and Sports Category for admission to MBA (sectoral) programmes, session 2023-24
76. 20/07/2023Vacant seat status as on 20.7.2023 for admission to MBA (sectoral) programmes, session 2023-24
77. 19/07/2023Vacant seat status as on 19.7.2023 for admission to MBA (sectoral) programmes, session 2023-24
78. 15/07/2023Sports Trials on 19.7.2023 for admission under Sports Category, session 2023-24
79. 15/07/2023Second Counselling schedule along with status of seats for admission to MBA (sectoral) programme, session 2023-24
80. 06/07/2023Intimation about Sports Trials and Tentative Eligibility Status by the Directorate of Sports, P.U. (academic session 2023-2024)
81. 30/06/2023First counseling status of seats as on 30.6.2023
82. 17/06/2023General Cat. Provisional Merit list and Counselling Schedule for admission to MBA (sectoral) programmes, session 2023-24
83. 17/06/2023Reserved & Additional Cat. Provisional Merit list and Counselling Schedule for admission to MBA (sectoral) programmes, session 2023-24
84. 05/05/2023Schedule of GD/PI for admission to MBA (sectoral) programmes, session 2023-24
85. 28/04/2023Date-Sheet for MBA (sectoral) 2nd & 4th Semester Reappear/Regular Term-End Exam. May 2023
86. 28/04/2023Notice for Submission of objections regarding MET-2023 question paper
87. 28/04/2023Advertisement for the Post of Project Coordinator under the Project
88. 28/04/2023Advertisement for the Post of Field Investigator under the Project
89. 29/03/2023Date Extended - Admission Notice for MBA (sectoral) programmes, session 2023-24
90. 07/03/2023MST Date-sheet for MBA (sectoral) 2nd & 4th Semester Exam., March 2023
91. 15/02/2023Examination Notice - Online form to fill up the Term-End & Reappear exam. for MBA 2nd /4th Semester, May 2023
92. 10/02/2023Result notification of MBA (sectoral) 4th Semester, June 2022
93. 03/02/2023Admission Notice for MBA (sectoral) programmes, session 2023-24
94. 25/11/2022Date-Sheet for MBA (sectoral) 2nd & 4th Semester Reappear Term-End Exam. December 2022
95. 25/11/2022Date-Sheet for MBA (sectoral) 1st & 3rd Semester Reappear/Regular Term-End Exam. December 2022
96. 07/11/2022Eighth Counselling schedule (9.11.2022) with Vacant Seat status for admission to MBA (sectoral) programmes, session 2022-23
97. 02/11/2022Urgent Notice: Tuition fee of 2nd Installment for the session 2022-23
98. 27/10/2022Updated Vacant Seat status for Seventh Counselling (28.10.2022) for admission to MBA (sectoral) programmes, session 2022-23
99. 21/10/2022Seventh Counselling schedule (28.10.2022) with Vacant Seat status for admission to MBA (sectoral) programmes, session 2022-23
100. 20/10/2022Examination Notice - Online form to fill up the Reappear exam. form for MBA 2nd /4th Semester, December 2022
101. 20/10/2022Notice regarding Panjab University Campus NSS Enrolment Starts for Session 2022-23
102. 15/10/2022Internal Complaints Committee under the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention Prohibition and Redressal) Act 2013
103. 14/10/2022Revised Date-Sheet of MST Exam. of MBA (sectoral) 1st & 3rd Sem. October 2022
104. 12/10/2022Result Notification of MBA (sectoral) 4th Sem. Exam. held in June 2022
105. 12/10/2022Result Notification of MBA (sectoral) 3rd Sem. Exam. held in January 2022
106. 12/10/2022Applications invited for enlisting for "Earn while One Learns" scheme at UIAMS
107. 12/10/2022Notice - online Examination form for MBA (sectoral) 1st & 3rd Semester, session 2022-23
108. 10/10/2022Regarding circulation of counter verification of medical certificates/medical leave of students
109. 04/10/2022Sixth Counselling schedule (8.10.2022) with Vacant Seat status for admission to MBA (sectoral) programmes, session 2022-23
110. 27/09/2022Notice - Engagement of students under the project "Skill Gap Analysis" under "Earn While One Learns Scheme"
111. 23/09/2022Fifth Counselling schedule (27.9.2022) with Vacant Seat status for admission to MBA (sectoral) programmes, session 2022-23
112. 09/09/2022Guidelines for online Term-End Exam. of MBA 4th Semester and 2nd Semester (Reappear) Foreign National students (session 2020-22), September 2022
113. 06/09/2022Advertisement for appointment of Guest Faculty at UIAMS for the session 2022-23
114. 06/09/2022Applications invited for enlisting for "Earn while One Learns" scheme for the Project "Skill Gap Analysis" at UIAMS
115. 01/09/2022Fourth Counselling schedule (5.9.2022) with Vacant Seat status for admission to MBA (sectoral) programmes, session 2022-23
116. 26/08/2022Guidelines for online Mid Term Exam. of MBA 4th Semester Foreign National students (session 2020-22), August 2022
117. 25/08/2022Date-sheet of End-Term Exam. of MBA 4th Semester & Re-appear Exam. of 2nd Sem.Foreign National students (session 2020-22), September 2022
118. 25/08/2022Date-sheet of Mid Term Exam. of MBA 4th Semester Foreign National students (session 2020-22), August 2022
119. 23/08/2022Third Counselling schedule with Vacant Seat status for admission to MBA (sectoral) programmes, session 2022-23
120. 12/08/2022Hostel allocation notice for MBA (sectoral) 1st year session 2022-23
121. 10/08/2022State/UT Community-wise Physical Allocation of Scholarships
122. 10/08/2022Regarding the scholarship for Minority Community Pre Matric Post Matric and Merit-cum-Means year 2022-23
123. 06/08/2022Provisional Merit list of Sports, PwD and Youth Festival Categories and counseling schedule for admission to MBA (sectoral) programmes, session 2022-23
124. 05/08/2022Second Counselling schedule with Vacant Seat status for admission to MBA (sectoral) programmes, session 2022-23
125. 03/08/2022Notice for Commencement of MBA (sectoral) 1st & 2nd year classes (session 2022-23)
126. 01/08/2022Notice for the students of MBA (sectoral) 2nd year to deposit of tuition fee for the session 2022-23
127. 26/07/2022Revised date for submission of Migration Certificate
128. 25/07/2022Vacant Seat Status as on 25.7.2022 for admission to MBA (sectoral) Programmes, session 2022-23
129. 21/07/2022Notice - Engagement of students under "Earn While One Learns Scheme"
130. 14/07/2022Intimation about Sports Trials and Tentative Eligibility Status by the Directorate of Sports, P.U.
131. 08/07/2022Reserved & Additional Cat. Provisional Merit list and Counselling Schedule for admission to MBA (sectoral) programmes, session 2022-23
132. 08/07/2022General Cat. Provisional Merit list and Counselling Schedule for admission to MBA (sectoral) programmes, session 2022-23
133. 25/06/2022Schedule of Viva-Voce of MBA (sectoral) 2nd & 4th Semester Regular and reappear, June 2022
134. 21/06/2022Applications invited for enlisting for "Earn while One Learns" scheme at UIAMS
135. 07/06/2022Notice for Submission of objections regarding MET-2022 question paper
136. 02/06/2022Schedule of GD/PI for admission to MBA (sectoral) programmes, session 2022-23
137. 31/05/2022Date-sheet of Term-End Exam. of MBA 2nd & 4th Semester, June 2022
138. 31/05/2022Date-Sheet of MBA 3rd Semester (Golden Chance), June 2022
139. 08/04/2022Revised MET dates for admission to MBA (sectoral) programmes, session 2022-23
140. 08/04/2022Notice for the revised dates of the Examination form and fee for MBA (sectoral) 2nd & 4th Semester exams.
141. 05/04/2022Extension of MET dates for admission to MBA (Sectoral) programmes, session 2022-23
142. 25/03/2022Notice - Reappear in Summer Training Viva-Voce (MBA-2009) and Comprehensive Viva-Voce (MBA-2010) of 2nd Sem. June 2021
143. 08/03/2022Notice - Filling of online Examination form for MBA 2nd & 4th Sem. 2021-22
144. 08/03/2022"I'mPower" - International Women's Day celebrations at UIAMS on March 8, 2022
145. 08/03/2022Social Outreach Programme - International Women's Day celebrations at UIAMS on March 8, 2022
146. 08/03/2022Iconic Week @ Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav - "Cleanliness Drive" on 8.3.2022 by NSS, PU in collaboration with UIAMS
147. 06/03/2022Iconic Week @ Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav - "Walk" on 7.3.2022 by NSS, PU in collaboration with UIAMS
148. 17/12/2021Library Notice - Registration of Identity Cards for the session 2021-22
149. 17/12/2021Library Notice - Return of over-due books of UIAMS and AC Joshi Library upto 31.12.2021
150. 03/12/2021Notice for SC students (Punjab) of MBA sectoral programmes 1st & 2nd year 2021-22 applying for Post Matric Scholarship Scheme (Punjab)
151. 29/11/2021Tuition Fee Notice for MBA (sectoral) 2nd year session 2021-22
152. 26/11/2021Exam. Notice - Submit/Complete Term End Exam. online form of MBA 1st/3rd Sem. (2021-22)
153. 17/11/2021Sixth Counselling schedule (18.11.2021) for admission to MBA (sectoral) programmes, session 2021-22
154. 17/11/2021Vacant Seat Status as on 17.11.2021 for admission to MBA (sectoral) Programmes, session 2021-22
155. 11/11/2021Notice regarding submission of migration certificate and pending certificates
156. 01/11/2021Notice- 2nd Installment of Tuition Fee of MBA (sectoral) programme, session 2021-22
157. 28/10/2021Vacant Seat Status as on 28.10.2021 for admission to MBA (sectoral) Programmes, session 2021-22
158. 27/10/2021Fifth Counselling schedule (29.10.2021) for admission to MBA (sectoral) programmes, session 2021-22
159. 12/10/2021Fourth Counselling schedule (19.10.2021) for admission to MBA (sectoral) programmes, session 2021-22
160. 12/10/2021Vacant Seat Status as on 12.10.2021 for admission to MBA (sectoral) Programmes, session 2021-22
161. 05/10/2021Vacant Seat Status as on 5.10.2021 for admission to MBA (sectoral) Programmes, session 2021-22
162. 04/10/2021Third Counselling schedule for admission to MBA (sectoral) programmes, session 2021-22
163. 04/10/2021Vacant Seat Status as on 4.10.2021 for admission to MBA (sectoral) Programmes, session 2021-22
164. 30/09/2021Notice for MBA 3rd Semester for filling the Exam. Form upto 28.10.2021
165. 30/09/2021Notice for MBA 1st Semester for filling the Exam. Form upto 28.10.2021
166. 24/09/2021First Counseling for Sports, Youth Festival, PwD & Cancer patient category
167. 22/09/2021Vacant Seat Status as on 22.9.2021 for admission to MBA (sectoral) Programmes, session 2021-22
168. 20/09/2021Second Counselling schedule for admission to MBA (sectoral) programmes, session 2021-22
169. 18/09/2021Second Counselling (session 2021-22 admission) on 23rd & 24th September 2021
170. 07/09/2021Vacant Seat Status as on 7.9.2021 for admission to MBA (sectoral) Programmes, session 2021-22
171. 06/09/2021Vacant Seat Status as on 6.9.2021 for admission to MBA (sectoral) Programmes, session 2021-22
172. 02/09/2021Revised Last date for the payment of tuition fee & other charges for MBA 1st year session 2021-22
173. 25/08/2021General Cat. Provisional Merit list and Counselling Schedule for admission to MBA (sectoral) programmes, session 2021-22
174. 25/08/2021Reserved & Additional Cat. Provisional Merit list and Counselling Schedule for admission to MBA (sectoral) programmes, session 2021-22
175. 02/08/2021Schedule for GD&PI for admission to MBA (sectoral) programmes, session 2021-22
176. 29/07/2021Notice for Submission of objections regarding MET-2021 question paper
177. 14/07/2021Extension of MET dates for admission to MBA (Sectoral) programmes, session 2021-22
178. 28/05/2021Question Paper for 28.5.2021 (Evening session) of MBA (sectoral) 4th Sem. MST Exam., May 2021
179. 28/05/2021Question Paper for 28.5.2021 (Morning session) of MBA (sectoral) 2nd Sem. MST Exam., May 2021
180. 27/05/2021Question Paper for 27.5.2021 (Evening session) of MBA (sectoral) 4th Sem. MST Exam., May 2021
181. 27/05/2021Question Paper for 27.5.2021 (Evening session) of MBA (sectoral) 2nd Sem. MST Exam., May 2021
182. 27/05/2021Question Paper for 27.5.2021 (Morning session) of MBA (sectoral) 4th Sem. MST Exam., May 2021
183. 27/05/2021Question Paper for 27.5.2021 (Morning session) of MBA (sectoral) 2nd Sem. MST Exam., May 2021
184. 26/05/2021Question Paper for 26.5.2021 (Evening session) of MBA (sectoral) 4th Sem. MST Exam., May 2021
185. 26/05/2021Question Paper for 26.5.2021 (Morning session) of MBA (sectoral) 4th Sem. MST Exam., May 2021
186. 26/05/2021Question Paper for 26.5.2021 (Morning session) of MBA (sectoral) 2nd Sem. MST Exam., May 2021
187. 25/05/2021Question Paper for 25.5.2021 (Evening session) of MBA (sectoral) 4th Sem. MST Exam., May 2021
188. 25/05/2021Question Paper for 25.5.2021 (Evening session) of MBA (sectoral) 2nd Sem. MST Exam., May 2021
189. 25/05/2021Question Paper for 25.5.2021 (Morning session) of MBA (sectoral) 4th Sem. MST Exam., May 2021
190. 25/05/2021Question Paper for 25.5.2021 (Morning session) of MBA (sectoral) 2nd Sem. MST Exam., May 2021
191. 24/05/2021Question Paper for 24.5.2021 (Evening session) of MBA (sectoral) 4th Sem. MST Exam., May 2021
192. 24/05/2021Question Paper for 24.5.2021 (Evening session) of MBA (sectoral) 2nd Sem. MST Exam., May 2021
193. 24/05/2021Question Paper for 24.5.2021 (Morning session) of MBA (sectoral) 2nd Sem. MST Exam., May 2021
194. 24/05/2021Question Paper for 24.5.2021 (Morning session) of MBA (sectoral) 4th Sem. MST Exam., May 2021
195. 19/05/2021Date-sheet and instructions for the students for MST Exams. of MBA 2nd & 4th Sem., May 2021
196. 26/03/2021Question Paper of 26.3.2021 for End Term/Reappear Exam. of MBA 1st Sem., March 2021
197. 24/03/2021Question Paper of 24.3.2021 for End Term/Reappear Exam. of MBA 1st Sem., March 2021
198. 22/03/2021Advertisement for Research Staff for ICSSR Sponsored Project
199. 22/03/2021Question Paper of 22.3.2021 for End Term/Reappear Exam. of MBA 1st Sem., March 2021
200. 19/03/2021Question Paper of 19.3.2021 for End Term/Reappear Exam. of MBA 1st Sem., March 2021
201. 17/03/2021Question Paper of 17.3.2021 for End Term/Reappear Exam. of MBA 1st Sem., March 2021
202. 15/03/2021Question Paper of 15.3.2021 for End Term/Reappear Exam. of MBA 1st Sem., March 2021
203. 12/03/2021Question Paper of 12.3.2021 for End Term/Reappear Exam. of MBA 1st Sem., March 2021
204. 10/03/2021Guidelines for Term End/Reappear Exam. of MBA (sectoral) 1st Semester, March 2021
205. 04/03/2021Date-sheet of the online End Term/Reappear Exam. of MBA 1st Semester, March 2021
206. 01/03/2021Question Paper of 1.3.2021 (functional subject) for End Term/Reappear Exam. of MBA 3rd Sem., February/March 2021
207. 26/02/2021Question Paper of 26.2.2021 (sectoral subject) for End Term/Reappear Exam. of MBA 3rd Sem., February 2021
208. 24/02/2021Question Paper of 24.2.2021 (functional subject) for End Term/Reappear Exam. of MBA 3rd Sem., February 2021
209. 22/02/2021Question Paper of 22.2.2021 (sectoral subject) for End Term/Reappear Exam. of MBA 3rd Sem., February 2021
210. 20/02/2021Question Paper of 20.2.2021 (functional subject) for End Term/Reappear Exam. of MBA 3rd Sem., February 2021
211. 19/02/2021Question Paper of 19.2.2021 (sectoral subject) for End Term/Reappear Exam. of MBA 3rd Sem., February 2021
212. 18/02/2021Question Paper of 18.2.2021 (Evening) for MST Exam. of MBA 1st Sem., February 2021
213. 17/02/2021Question Paper of 17.2.2021 (Evening) for MST Exam. of MBA 1st Sem., February 2021
214. 17/02/2021Question Paper of 17.2.2021 (Morning) for MST Exam. of MBA 1st Sem., February 2021
215. 17/02/2021Question Paper of 17.2.2021 (Functional subject) for End Term Exam. of MBA 3rd Sem., February 2021
216. 16/02/2021Question Paper of 16.2.2021 (Evening) for MST Exam. of MBA 1st Sem., February 2021
217. 16/02/2021Question Paper of 16.2.2021 (Morning) for MST Exam. of MBA 1st Sem., February 2021
218. 15/02/2021Question Paper for 15.2.2021 (Evening session) of MBA 1st Sem. Mid Term Exam. February 2021
219. 15/02/2021Question Paper for 15.2.2021 (Morning session) of MBA 1st Sem. Mid Term Exam. February 2021
220. 15/02/2021Question Paper for 15.2.2021 of MBA 3rd Sem. Term End Exam. Feburary 2021
221. 10/02/2021Guidelines of online Term End and Reappear Exam. of MBA (sectoral) 3rd Sem. February/March 2021
222. 10/02/2021Guidelines of online MST Exam. of MBA (sectoral) 1st Sem. February 2021
223. 09/02/2021Date-sheet for online End Term Exam. of MBA (sectoral) programmes 3rd Semester, February/March 2021
224. 08/02/2021Question Paper for 8.2.2021 (Morning session) of MBA (sectoral) 3rd Sem. Special MST Exam., February 2021
225. 05/02/2021Date-sheet for online MST Exam. of MBA (sectoral) programmes 1st Semester February 2021
226. 05/02/2021Guidelines for the students for re-scheduled MST Exam. of Internet Marketing (section-A)of MBA 3rd Sem.
227. 07/12/2020Question Paper for 7.12.2020 (Evening session) of MBA (sectoral) 3rd Sem. MST Exam., December 2020
228. 07/12/2020Question Paper for 7.12.2020 (Morning session) of MBA (sectoral) 3rd Sem. MST Exam., December 2020
229. 04/12/2020Question Paper for 4.12.2020 (Evening session) of MBA (sectoral) 3rd Sem. MST Exam., December 2020
230. 04/12/2020Question Paper for 4.12.2020 (Morning session) of MBA (sectoral) 3rd Sem. MST Exam., December 2020
231. 03/12/2020Vacant Seat Status as on 3.12.2020 for third counselling (December 4, 2020) admission to MBA (sectoral) Programmes, session 2020-21
232. 03/12/2020Question Paper for 3.12.2020 (Evening session) of MBA (sectoral) 3rd Sem. MST Exam., December 2020
233. 03/12/2020Question Paper for 3.12.2020 (Morning session) of MBA (sectoral) 3rd Sem. MST Exam., December 2020
234. 02/12/2020Third Counselling schedule for admission to MBA (sectoral) programmes, session 2020-21
235. 02/12/2020Question Paper for 2.12.2020 (Evening session) of MBA (sectoral) 3rd Sem. MST Exam., December 2020
236. 02/12/2020Question Paper for 2.12.2020 (Morning session) of MBA (sectoral) 3rd Sem. MST Exam., December 2020
237. 01/12/20201st Counselling for Sports Category for admission to MBA (sectoral) programmes, session 2020-21 on December 2, 2020 at 10.00 a.m.
238. 25/11/2020Date-sheet and guidelines for the students for MST Exam. of MBA 3rd Sem.
239. 20/11/2020Vacant Seat Status as on 24.11.2020 for second counselling (24-25, November 2020) admission to MBA (sectoral) Programmes, session 2020-21
240. 19/11/2020Second Counselling schedule for admission to MBA (sectoral) programmes, session 2020-21
241. 16/11/2020Notice regarding payment of Tuition Fee for MBA (sectoral) 1st semester, session 2020-21
242. 09/11/2020Vacant Seat Status as on 9.11.2020 for admission to MBA (sectoral) Programmes, session 2020-21
243. 06/11/2020Reserved and Additional Category - Provisional Merit List and Counseling Schedule for admission to MBA (sectoral) programmes, session 2020-21
244. 06/11/2020General Category - Provisional Merit List and Counseling Schedule for admission to MBA (sectoral) programmes, session 2020-21
245. 31/10/2020Tentative Merit List for admission to MBA (sectoral) programme for the session 2020-21
246. 29/10/2020Tentative Admission Schedule for admission to MBA (sectoral) programme for the session 2020-21
247. 28/10/2020Last date to fill UIAMS admission form extended till October 30, 2020 upto 5.00 p.m.
248. 20/10/2020Extension of date - Admission Form Notice for admission to MBA (sectoral) programmes for the session 2020-21
249. 09/10/2020Admission Form Notice for admission to MBA (sectoral) programmes for the session 2020-21
250. 09/10/2020Press Release for admission to MBA (sectoral) programmes for the session 2020-21
251. 09/10/2020Weightage rules of P.U. for admission as per HBI-2020
252. 05/10/2020Question Paper for 5.10.2020 of Pre-Ph.D. 2nd Sem. MST Exam. September 2020
253. 03/10/2020Question Paper for 3.10.2020 of Pre-Ph.D. 2nd Sem. MST Exam. September 2020
254. 01/10/2020Question Paper for 1.10.2020 of Pre-Ph.D. 2nd Sem. MST Exam. September 2020
255. 30/09/2020Question Paper for 30.9.2020 of MBA (sectoral) 4th Sem., September 2020
256. 30/09/2020Question Paper for 30.9.2020 of Pre-Ph.D. 2nd Sem. MST Exam. September 2020
257. 29/09/2020Question Paper for 29.9.2020 of Pre-Ph.D. 2nd Sem. MST Exam. September 2020
258. 29/09/2020Re-scheduled the MBA (sectoral) 4th Semester Term End online Exam. of 30.9.2020 from 10.00 a.m. - 12.00 noon to 3.00 p.m. - 5.00 p.m.
259. 29/09/2020Question Paper for 29.9.2020 of MBA (sectoral) 4th Sem., September 2020
260. 28/09/2020Question Paper for 28.9.2020 of Pre-Ph.D. 2nd Sem. MST Exam. September 2020
261. 28/09/2020Question Paper for 28.9.2020 of MBA (sectoral) 4th Sem., September 2020
262. 26/09/2020Question Paper for 26.9.2020 of MBA (sectoral) 4th Sem., September 2020
263. 24/09/2020Question Paper for 24.9.2020 of MBA (sectoral) 4th Sem., September 2020
264. 23/09/2020Date-sheet and guidelines of Pre-Ph.D. 2nd Sem. online MST Exam., September 2020
265. 23/09/2020Question Paper for 23.9.2020 of MBA (sectoral) 4th Sem., September 2020
266. 21/09/2020Question Paper for 21.9.2020 of MBA (sectoral) 4th Sem., September 2020
267. 19/09/2020Question Paper for 19.9.2020 of MBA (sectoral) 4th Sem., September 2020
268. 18/09/2020Question Paper for 18.9.2020 of MBA (sectoral) 4th Sem., September 2020
269. 14/09/2020MET Test-2020 postponed till further orders
270. 11/09/2020Date-sheet and guidelines for online MBA (sectoral) programmes 4th Semester September 2020
271. 08/08/2020Workshop on Paradigm Shift in Indian Management System on August 10, 2020 at 11.00 a.m.
272. 06/08/2020International e-Conference on Managing Business in Turbulent Times on November 6, 2020
273. 07/07/2020Rescheduled the dates of MET-2020. Apply upto July 20, 2020.
274. 15/06/2020 Rescheduled the dates of MET-2020. Apply upto June 29, 2020. Exam. will be held on July 11, 2020
275. 11/05/2020Rescheduled the dates of MET-2020. Apply upto June 8, 2020. Exam. will be held on June 20, 2020
276. 25/04/2020Invitation - Webinar on "Opportunities for Startups: Post Covid-19" on April 27, 2020 at 12.00 noon
277. 14/04/2020Rescheduled the dates of MET-2020. Apply upto May 11, 2020. Exam. will be held on May 23, 2020
278. 01/04/2020Rescheduled the dates of MET-2020. Apply upto April 13, 2020. Exam. will be held on April 25, 2020
279. 19/03/2020Rescheduled the dates of MET-2020
280. 15/03/2020Teaching Suspended in the Department
281. 11/02/2020Applications invited for enlisting for "Earn while One Learns" scheme at UIAMS
282. 17/01/2020MET website released for admission to MBA (sectoral) programmes for the session 2020-21
283. 13/01/2020International Conference on January 23, 2020 at UIAMS
284. 06/01/2020Advertisement for appointment of Guest Faculty at UIAMS for the session January to June 2020
285. 21/11/2019Date-sheet of MBA End Term Exam. 1st & 3rd Semester, December 2019
286. 14/11/2019One Week Short Term Course at UIAMS from 27th November to 3rd December 2019
287. 09/09/2019Schedule of SIXTH Counseling with Status of Seats for admission to MBA (sectoral) programmes for the session 2019-20
288. 27/08/2019Updated Schedule of FIFTH Counseling with Status of Seats for admission to MBA (sectoral) programmes for the session 2019-20
289. 20/08/2019Guidelines to ensure discipline in the PU Campus
290. 01/08/2019Updated Schedule of FOURTH Counseling with Status of Seats for admission to MBA (sectoral) programmes for the session 2019-20
291. 16/07/2019Schedule of THIRD Counseling with Status of Seats for admission to MBA (sectoral) programmes for the session 2019-20
292. 06/07/2019Vacant Seat Status as on 5.7.2019 for SECOND counselling (9.7.2019) for the session 2019-20
293. 03/07/2019Schedule of SECOND Counseling for admission to MBA (sectoral) programmes for the session 2019-20
294. 27/06/2019First Counselling Status from 25th to 27th June 2019
295. 26/06/2019First counselling status as on 26th June 2019
296. 25/06/2019First Counseling Status as on 25th June 2019
297. 12/06/2019Schedule of Counseling for admission to MBA (sectoral) programmes for the session 2019-20
298. 06/06/2019Provisional Merit List of ADDITIONAL CATEGORY candidates for admission to MBA (sectoral) programmes for the Session 2019-20
299. 06/06/2019Provisional Merit List of RESERVED CATEGORY candidates for admission to MBA (sectoral) programmes for the Session 2019-20
300. 06/06/2019Provisional Merit List of GENERAL CATEGORY candidates for admission to MBA (sectoral) programmes for the Session 2019-20
301. 26/04/2019Date-sheet of Re-appear Examination for MBA (1st & 3rd Semester), May 2019
302. 11/04/2019Extension of Registration Date for Faculty Development Programme (15-21 April 2019)
303. 05/04/2019Faculty Development Programme on Econometrics for Management Research from 15th to 21st April 2019
304. 29/03/2019Intimation of any discrepancy in the MET-2019 question paper and/or Key by 8.4.2019 upto 4.00 p.m.
305. 27/02/2019National Conference on "Start Up India, Stand Up India" on 28.2.2019
306. 09/01/2019MET website released for admission to MBA (sectoral) programmes for the session 2019-20
307. 29/08/2018Vacant seats as on 29.8.2018 for 6th counseling fro admission to MBA (Sectoral Management) Programmes at UIAMS for the session 2018-19
308. 29/08/2018Schedule of 6th counseling for admission in MBA (Sectoral Management) Programmes at UIAMS for the session 2018-19 to be held on 31.8.2018
309. 21/08/2018Vacant seats as on 21.8.2018 for 5th counseling
310. 21/08/2018Re-scheduled date of 5th counseling to be held on 24.8.2018
311. 16/08/2018Cancellation of 5th Counseling scheduled on 17th August 2018
312. 14/08/2018Vacant seats as on 14.8.2018 for FIFTH counseling for admission to MBA (Sectoral Management) Programmes at UIAMS for the session 2018-19
313. 14/08/2018Schedule of FIFTH counseling for admission in MBA (Sectoral Management) Programmes at UIAMS for the session 2018-19 to be held on 17.8.2018
314. 01/08/2018Vacant seats as on 1.8.2018 for fourth counseling fro admission to MBA (Sectoral Management) Programmes at UIAMS for the session 2018-19
315. 01/08/2018Schedule of fourth counseling for admission in MBA (Sectoral Management) Programmes at UIAMS for the session 2018-19 to be held on 6.8.2018
316. 26/07/2018List of Youth Festival category for the third counseling to be held on 27.7.2018
317. 26/07/2018Vacant seats as on 26.7.2018 for third counseling to be held on 27.7.2018
318. 24/07/2018Schedule for third counseling for admission to MBA (Sectoral) Programme for the session 2018-19
319. 18/07/2018Status of Vacant Seats as on 18.7.2018 for Second Counseling for the session 2018-19
320. 17/07/2018Schedule for second counseling for admission to MBA (Sectoral) Programme for the session 2018-19
321. 06/07/2018First Counseling Status of All Reserved & Additional Categories as on 6.7.2018
322. 05/07/2018First Counseling Status as on 5th July 2018 till 4.30 p.m.
323. 04/07/2018First Counseling Status as on 4th July 2018 till 4.30 p.m.
324. 21/06/2018Schedule of Counseling for admission to MBA (sectoral) programmes for the session 2018-19
325. 19/06/2018Provisional Merit List of GENERAL CATEGORY candidates for admission to MBA (sectoral) programmes for the Session 2018-19
326. 19/06/2018Provisional Merit List (Roll number-wise) of GENERAL CATEGORY candidates for admission to MBA (sectoral) programmes for the Session 2018-19
327. 19/06/2018Provisional Merit List of RESERVED CATEGORY candidates for admission to MBA (sectoral) programmes for the Session 2018-19
328. 19/06/2018Provisional Merit List of ADDITIONAL CATEGORY candidates for admission to MBA (sectoral) programmes for the Session 2018-19
329. 10/05/2018Advertisement for the post of Research/Filed Investigator
330. 30/04/2018Schedule for Group Discussion and Personal Interview for admission to MBA (Sectoral Management) Programme at UIAMS for the session 2018-19)
331. 03/04/2018Applications are invited for the post of Research Associate
332. 31/03/2018Notice for Submission of objections regarding MET-2018 question paper
333. 22/02/2018Applications are invited for the post of Research/Field Investigators
334. 22/01/2018 Admission Notice for MBA (sectoral) Programmes at UIAMS for the session 2018-19
335. 29/08/2017Fourth Counseling Schedule for admission to MBA (sectoral) programme, session 2017-18
336. 28/08/2017Vacant Seat Status as on 29.08.2017 for admission to MBA (sectoral) programmes, session 2017-18
337. 16/08/2017Vacant Seat Status as on 16.08.2017 for admission to MBA (sectoral) programmes, sesion 2017-18
338. 10/08/2017Vacant Seat Status as on 11.08.2017 for admission to MBA (sectoral) programmes, sesion 2017-18
339. 09/08/2017Third Counseling Schedule for admission to MBA (sectoral) programme, session 2017-18
340. 09/08/2017Provisional Merit List of SPORTS CATEGORY candidates for admission to MBA (sectoral) programmes for the Session 2017-18
341. 08/08/2017Applications are invited under NRI/Foreign National Category for admission to MBA (sectoral) programmes, session 2017-18
342. 31/07/2017Vacant Seat Status as on 31.7.2017 for admission to MBA (sectoral) programmes, sesion 2017-18
343. 26/07/2017Vacant Seat Status as on 26.7.2017 for admission to MBA (sectoral) programmes, sesion 2017-18
344. 25/07/2017Second Counseling Schedule for admission to MBA (sectoral) programme, session 2017-18
345. 25/07/2017Provisional Merit of Border Area, Rural Area students & Youth Festival categories, session 2017-18
346. 30/06/2017Schedule of Counseling for admission to MBA (sectoral) programmes for the session 2017-18
347. 30/06/2017Fee Structure for Fresh Admission for the session 2017-18
348. 30/06/2017Fee Structure for ongoing classes for the session 2017-18
349. 22/06/2017Provisional Merit List of GENERAL CATEGORY candidates for admission to MBA (sectoral) programmes for the Session 2017-18
350. 22/06/2017Provisional Merit List of RESERVED & ADDITIONAL CATEGORIES candidates for admission to MBA (sectoral) programmes for the Session 2017-18
351. 28/04/2017Schedule for Group Discussion and Personal Interview for admission to MBA (Sectoral Management) programmes at UIAMS for the session 2017-18
352. 21/03/2017Notice for Submission of objections regarding MET-2017 question paper
353. 27/01/2017Admission Notice for MBA (sectoral) Programmes at UIAMS for the session 2017-18
354. 19/08/2016Important Notice regarding Admission against Vacant Seats at UIAMS, session 2016-17
355. 19/08/2016Status of Vacant Seats for Fourth Counseling to be held on 20.8.2016 (as on 19.8.2016)
356. 17/08/2016Schedule & Status of Vacant Seats of FOURTH COUNSELING for admission to MBA (sectoral) programmes, session 2016-17
357. 06/08/2016Vacant Seat Status as on 6.8.2016 for Third Counseling scheduled on 9th August 2016
358. 02/08/2016Schedule of THIRD COUNSELING for admission to MBA (sectoral) programmes, session 2016-17
359. 20/07/2016Vacant Seat Status as on 20.7.2016 for Second counselling scheduled on 21 & 22 July 2016
360. 13/07/2016Schedule of SECOND COUNSELING for admission to MBA (sectoral) programmes, session 2016-17
361. 15/06/2016Schedule of First Counseling for admission to MBA (sectoral) programmes for the session 2016-17
362. 09/06/2016Provisional Merit List of GENERAL CATEGORY candidates for admission to MBA (sectoral) programmes for the Session 2016-17.
363. 09/06/2016Provisional Merit List of RESERVED & ADDITIONAL CATEGORIES candidates for admission to MBA (sectoral) programmes for the Session 2016-17.
364. 21/03/2016MET-2016 Question Paper with Key
365. 12/02/2016Last Date Extended for Application for Admission to MBA (sectoral) Programme at UIAMS (MET-2016) upto 23rd February 2016
366. 29/12/2015Admission Notice for MBA (sectoral) Programmes at UIAMS for the session 2016-17

Enquiry No(s): 1800-180-2065, +91 172 2534818, 2534866 (from 9:30 am to 1:00 pm & 2:30 pm to 5:00 pm on working days )

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